The Small Business Ecosystem

I'm curious. Why do you think that new business owners think they need to be a rock? An island, operating independent of all help from anyone else? And if you're old enough and wondering... Yes, I was inspired by Simon and Garfunkel.

What is noble or even sensible about juggling multiple roles, wearing all the hats, and trying to make every part of your business run smoothly (even the parts you don't like or aren't good at)?

Trying to do it all might be okay initially, but how long before it becomes overwhelming, and you work more hours than you did as an employee? You're not ready for your first employee, you don't know what software applications to use, and there's no way your business can operate without doing any admin...

It's time to start building your small business ecosystem!

1. Automate the shit out of it!

The first step is easy if you know how! If you're a fan of the latest tech, you can quickly implement some time-saving software to help you with the boring admin tasks. And if you're not tech-savvy, it's time to spend money on an Operations Specialist who can help... "Hello, I am Sarah, pleased to meet you! 😂 ".

No, this isn't a sales pitch disguised as a blog, but making things easier for business owners is literally what I do, and there are a few more out there who do it, too. In a 2-hour slot, I can tell you what you need and how much it will cost! So, engage with someone who knows how to improve what you've got to get you on the right track.  

2. Find some trusted partners

Yes, I am talking about the dreaded Outsourcing – and no, I don't mean like the call centres did! 😂 Outsourcing starts with a shift in mindset. You might think:

• "No one can do this as well as I can."

• "It's faster if I just do it myself."

• "It's too hard to explain to someone else."

• "I just can't afford it"

You know your time is valuable, but do you understand the implications of wasting it? By focusing on tasks that drain your time and energy, you are limiting your earning potential. So, ask yourself:

• How much am I earning per hour doing everything myself?

• Am I working more hours than I did when I was employed?

• Could I make more sales, earn more and stress less if someone else handled the tasks that don't make money?

• What would it feel like to spend my energy on what I love most about your business?

If it helps, add some financials to it. Now, how does it all stack up?

Who do you know and trust to help you ditch some of the time-consuming boring stuff?

 3. Build A Support Network

Do you network a lot to find new clients? How's that going? Jumping from group to group always chasing the new leads. Following up every conversation with a sales email or a request for a meeting to showcase your service or product isn't necessarily the best approach.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, networking is the action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contact. That's what I love about it!

Through networking, I have found

  • Friends

  • My team of go-to 'colleagues'

  • People I can bounce ideas off

  • Supporters

  • Teachers

  • Mentors

All of which I recommend without a second thought.

Are some of them my clients? They are now, but there was no sales pitch – just knowledge sharing that turned into work.  Are some of them suppliers of mine? Also, yes, but again, there is no sales pitch! They also pass recommendations to me – sometimes for work, sometimes for collaborations, and sometimes they know we will 'click' and have a great conversation.

4. Start Collaborating

Once you have created more time by systemising and automating repeatable processes, outsourced the boring stuff, and found 'your people, ' it's time for collaboration.

Time to:

  • Exchange more knowledge and explore more ideas

  • Launch new services or products

  • Start a joint venture

  • Share clients – helping to build their Ecosystem

  • Build referral partnerships – I never do paid referrals, but that doesn't mean you can't!

 And there you have it – a fully rounded ecosystem to make even big business jealous.

You have your tech, business support, moral support and cheerleaders - a select group of people who understand and whom you can call when you want to let off steam. Who will cheer you on as you build for success. Now, doesn't that sound better than going it alone?

At OpsWiz, we offer a free 25-minute consultation to discuss your needs and help you build a strategy to enhance your business eco-system. Book Now!


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